
A simple and easy to understand bash script to automate recon :)

Primary LanguageShell


A simple and easy to understand bash script to automate recon :)

by : webcipher101 to automate recon for bug hunting

initial recon

subdomain enumeration

take screenshots of all subdomains

url enumeration using gau and waybackurls

open your default browser and search your target in shodan.io and censys.io

if you have any issue about script dm me on @webcipher101 checkout my recon checklist also :- link

prerequisite :-

1.) install findomain tool manually link

2.) install knockpy tool manually link

3.) install gau tool manually link

4.) install waybackurls tool manually link

5.) install aquatone tool manually link

now install recon-map :-

1.) git clone https://github.com/webcipher101/recon-map.git

2.) cd recon-map

3.) chmod +x *

4.) ./setup.sh

5.) ./recon.sh

enter your target name with (.com , .io , .net ,etc) example :- google.com

it will take 15-20 minutes to complete a task , depends on your (target) and also on internet or pc speed.

while subdomain enumeration it will open shodan.io and censys.io with your target search results in browser ,check it out. checkout all outputs in your target named folder.

thanks , for using recon-map.

Happy Hunting..!!
