Webcom is a BAAS with a complete client framework. Developers can build real-time applications and communication services and deploy them easily. Here are some examples :
- chat
- audio and video conference apps
- collaborative apps
- data exchange for IoT
- multiplayer games ...
- data repositories like address book or user preferences
Quickstart Get started in minutes. Read and send data in realtime with Webcom. Discover how Webcom is really easy to use.
Data Sync framework this is the core of Webcom. These API enable to store and to synchonise data between multiple devices instantaneously. The backend is offered "as a service". Thus most of the time you don't need to install any server.
Webcom communication SDK Client framework (javascript library) can be retrieved to add communication features on your website (chat, audio/video call, conferences, presence). You can customize/enrich it if necessary.
Use cases A demonstration of a communication service based on Webcom Framework. Create your own account and use tchat, audio & video calls and conferences, presence. You can also use the code of this demo as a sample of Webcom usage
Chosen concept is "Backend-as-a-service".
Basically, webcom-base is:
- a high level datastore
- with a tree data structure (tree nodes store strings, numbers, booleans, or nested children)
- with flexible pubsub available on any node of the tree
- with a document describing "security rules"
Data synchronisation between multiple devices, data storage
One unified real-time backend for every kind of services:
- communication services: presence, chat, audio & vidéo call & conference, message publication…
- collaboratives apps: photo or document sharing, live sketching, location sharing...
- Internet of Things: data exchange between multiple devices, sensors and apps, at home or everywhere
Usable for Web apps. Native apps coming soon
Backend as a Service: each service project has its own data space and use API on Internet
Service logic is mainly on the client side: low impact on network when a service is deployed or upgraded
Natively adapted for
- data persistency: activity log, chat history, call log, address book…
- group communication: multi-device data exchange, group chat, audio/video conferencing between multiple accounts/users or between multiple devices of a same account/user
Based on Web technologies
- NAT/proxy/firewall traversal: where HTTPS can pass, Webcom access will be available
Based on scalable middleware (NoSQL database)