
Vim Mode for Playground, System Browser, Debugger in Pharo.

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT

Smalltalk Vim Mode

Vim Mode for Playground, System Browser, Debugger in Pharo.

Install SmalltalkVimMode


  • Latest Pharo 6.1 image.
  • Pharo VM for Pharo 6.1. (It doesn't work in the latest Pharo. I have tried to fix it, but my Smalltalk skill is rusty, I have no idea what went wrong.)

Execute the code in a Playground in Pharo

baseline   := 'SmalltalkVimMode'.
repository := 'github://unchartedworks/SmalltalkVimMode:master'. 
metacello  := [ Metacello new baseline: baseline; repository: repository ].
get        := [ metacello value get ].
load       := [ metacello value onConflict: [:ex | ex allow]; load ].
actions    := {get . load}.
apply      := [ :action | action value ].
actions do: apply.



Esc enter normal mode

i enter insert mode

V enter visual mode per line

Normal mode


Command + / comment/uncomment selected code, if there is no selection, the current line will be commented/uncommented.

Navigation keys

h left

N h left N times

j down

N j down N times

k up

N k up N times

l right

N l right N times

0 move the cursor to the first character in the line

$ move the cursor to the last character in the line

^ move the cursor to the first non-blank character in the line

g_ move the cursor to the last non-blank character in the line

w move forward to the start of the next word (next alphanumeric word)

N w move forward to the start of the next N words (next N alphanumeric words)

W move forward to the start of the next word (delimited by a white space)

N W move forward to the start of the next N words (delimited by a white space)

e move forward to the end of the next word (next alphanumeric word)

N e move forward to the end of the next N words (next N alphanumeric words)

E move forward to the end of the next word (delimited by a white space)

N E move forward to the end of the next N words (delimited by a white space)

b move backward to the start of previous word (previous alphanumeric word)

N b move backward to the start of previous N words (previous N alphanumeric words)

B move backward to teh start of previous word (delimited by a white space)

N B move backward to teh start of previous N words (delimited by a white space)

gg move to the beginning of the buffer

G move to the end of the buffer

fx move forward to the next occurrence of character x to the right

N fx move forward to the Nth occurrence of character x to the right

tx move forward to before the next occurrence of character x to the rigtht

N tx move forward to before the Nth occurrence of character x to the right

Fx move forward to the Nth occurrence of character x to the left

N Fx move forward to the Nth occurrence of character x to the left

Tx move forward to after the previous occurrence of character x to the left

N Tx move forward to after the Nth occurrence of character x to the left

Insert text

a insert text after the cursor

A insert text at the end of the line

i insert text before the cursor

o begin a new line below the cursor

O begin a new line above the cursor

Delete text

x delete character at the cursor

N x delete N characters from the cursor

dw delete a word.

N dw delete N words.

d0 delete to the beginning of a line.

d$ delete to the end of a line.

dgg delete to the beginning of the file.

dG delete to the end of the file.

dd delete line

N dd delete N lines

Simple replace text

r peplace the character under the cursor

R replace characters instead of inserting them

Copy/Paste text

yy copy current line into storage buffer

p paste storage buffer after current line

N p paste N times storage buffer after current line

Undo/Redo operation

u undo the last operation

N u undo the last N operations

Ctrl + rredo the last undo operation

N Ctrl + rredo the last N undo operations