
The extensible color library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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The extensible color library.

var alchemist = require('alchemist-js')

alchemist.rgb(150, 100, 50).hsl() // => [ 30, 0.5, 0.39 ]

  name: 'lsh',
  to: {
    'hsl': function (L, S, H) {
      return [H, S, L]

alchemist.lsh(.75, .5, 180).hsl() // => [180, .5, .75]


What's in the Pipeline?

  • Alpha Transparency
  • More color spaces! (HuSL anyone?)
  • Color Modifiers are ready! alchemist-common will be adding some soon.

Want to help Alchemist reach v2.0 a bit faster? Send a pull request!

Special Thanks

Alchemist wouldn't have been possible without the many other color libraries already out there. Much of the code for Alchemist and it's plugins were either heavily inspired by, or taken directly out of one of these libraries:

Also, extra special thanks to a few individuals who helped me along the way.

  • Bruce Lindbloom - Who's website inspired me to create alchemist.
  • Lon Ingram - Who suggested the breadth-first search, which I use to make the plugin system possible.

Thanks to all of you!