
Script to update core, themes, plugins, translations of all the WordPress installations on a server at once

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

WP Bulk Update


  • This script is useful, when you need to bulk update all the WordPress installations on a server.
  • It can be n number of installations, considering their respected document root exists in one root directory.


  • If you are running a patched theme/plugin or own version of standard theme /plugin , you will loose the patches.
  • Be really careful, while executing this script.
  • It is highly recommended to take all the backups before updating everything at once.

What can I do with it ?

  • Update WordPress core,
  • Update all the repository themes installed
  • Update All the repository plugins installed
  • Update translations
  • Delete expired transient cache


  • You need WP-CLI installed
  • Web: https://wp-cli.org
  • You can only update WordPress installations.


  • You have installed WP-CLI using the instructions from https://wp-cli.org
  • Your WP-CLI is installed in /usr/local/bin/
  • In case you are running WP-CLI locally from a directory, make sure to change the path before wp in the script
  • Make sure to replace document root from /var/www/* with what ever document root of your all the WordPress websites are.
  • In case you keep your WordPress installations one or two level down change the path accordingly.
  • For instance, /var/www/html/*/htdocs;


  • Logon to your server via ssh
  • upload the script on your home directory.
  • change file permissions to be executable by your user group atleast chmod g+x wpbulkupdate.sh

Use cases

Manual Execution:

  • Run ~/wpbulkupdate.sh

Using Cronjob

  • Lets say you wanna udpate everything via a cronjob, which executes every night at 1am.

  • crontab -e and Add following job. 0 1 * * * ~/wpbulkupdate.sh

  • You can use https://crontab.guru/ to learn more about cron schedule expressions.