
YouTube Search Google API for Node.js. Search for YouTube videos, channels, playlists and live events via Google API for Node.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Youtube Search Google API

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YouTube Search Google API for Node.js. Search for YouTube videos, channels, playlists and live events via Google API for Node.js.


This module is designed to be usable via server-side for Node.js or in a browser client-side.

npm install youtube-search-google-api


There are 2 HTTP clients provided request and xhr. They handle the server-side and client-side respectively.

Browser Support

For Browserify, add a browser field to your package.json:

"browser": {
  "request": "xhr"

For Webpack, add a resolve.alias field to your configuration:

"resolve": {
  "alias": {
    "request$": "xhr"


Authorization via Google API Key or OAuth 2.0 token is required by Google. More information regarding Google authentication can be found at Calling the API. All other parameters are optional.

import { YouTube, SearchRequest } from 'youtube-search-google-api'

const youtube = new YouTube()

youtube.search(new SearchRequest(
    query: {
      key: 'AlzaSydu39i6-bseHDgCfG_SNE_hQwuGdc53Vws',
      maxResults: 50,
      order: 'viewCount',
      type: 'video',
      publishedAfter: '2017-10-01T00:00:00Z',
      q: 'pumpkin|halloween+dog -cat'
  }, function(error, response, body) {
    // Handle the response...


This module depends on the following.


Please read Contributing. Feel free to submit pull requests, issues and comments! Thank you. Participants will be added to the list of Contributors.


There is also a light weight alternative to this module Youtube Search.


YouTube Search Goggle API is Free and Open Source Software. It is licensed by the MIT License.