- 3
Segmentation Fault with Symfony Commands Using webdevops/php-nginx-dev:8.2 Image
#523 opened by Cepulis - 1
Request for ARM Support in Published Docker Images
#530 opened by pekhota - 1
Security : use sed instead of go-replace
#528 opened by lasdou - 0
Blackfire not working
#529 opened by IndyIndyIndy - 0
#527 opened by turbovladimir - 0
Update cycle
#526 opened by tomelgato - 2
- 7
Symfony application error : readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream
#522 opened by eotin - 2
Is there a way to still use the buster when I use the webdevops/php-nginx:8.1?
#520 opened by cocolees - 1
High load issues on Bookworm - (8.1)
#521 opened by dimitris-katsigiorgis - 6
update php version on webdevops/php:8.2 image
#507 opened by op-euga - 0
Expired GPG key in `php-nginx:8.3` image
#519 opened by thejettdurham - 0
- 3
Unable to upgrade nginx package in Dockerfile (webdevops/php-nginx:7.4-alpine)
#492 opened by cvsouth - 0
- 0
Laravel Horizon and supervisor
#516 opened by vlauciani - 2
Php 7.1 with xdebug 2.8.1 not work correctly
#514 opened by kk580kk - 1
- 1
[Feature Request] Enable Thread Safety
#513 opened by investlab - 0
PHP 8.1 JIT segfault
#512 opened by vasilvestre - 1
- 2
Missing libldap-common package in PHP 8.3 Docker image causing ldaps connections to fail
#509 opened by LemmingZwerg1 - 0
Running processes without root user in webdevops/php-nginx containers
#510 opened by edo-aleix-penella - 2
- 0
Add Nginx Module "More Headers"
#506 opened by ITspirit - 0
Build of docker images fails since several weeks
#504 opened by mediaessenz - 2
- 0
- 3
- 4
PHP 8.3 images
#501 opened by svwezel - 0
webdevops/php-nginx:8.2 on different port than 80
#500 opened by edvinas31 - 1
how can I enable or compile 3rd party nginx module
#496 opened by jedimage - 0
webdevops/nginx image missing application user
#497 opened by bkraul - 0
php-curl and php-xml not installable
#495 opened by EnzephaloN - 0
Cron Error - WRONG FILE OWNER - How to?
#493 opened by ITspirit - 0
- 4
Invalid Discord invitation-link
#490 opened by snowowl78 - 1
Apple M2 problem with php-apache-dev
#489 opened by eko3alpha - 2
ICU update changed something on locale
#488 opened by jaakkom - 3
- 2
- 1
- 3
webdevops/php-nginx:7.4 and webdevops/php-apache:7.4
#480 opened by alextesi - 12
webdevops/php-nginx-dev:8.2: gosu appears to be installed with 'setuid' bit set
#481 opened by zoltanka - 1
- 1
- 1
PHP security releases: 8.1.16, 8.2.3, 8.0.28
#477 opened by bramcordie - 0
PHP error logs to file
#476 opened by Drizztfire - 0
SSL handshake not working after update to ECDSA
#475 opened by brafreider - 1