
Embezzler is automatic assigner of SonarQube issues to authors according to SCM

Primary LanguageGroovy


Embezzler is a simple script to automatically assign SonarQube issues to authors according to SCM.

Embezzler is a self-contained script that could be easily distributed, it is written in Groovy, uses Grape for SonarQube API dependency.


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# get last unassigned issue and assign it to appropriate user
groovy Embezzler.groovy -s http://localhost:9000 -u login -p password -c 'project1,project2' -n 1 --dry-run false
# get last 5 unassigned issues started from yesterday and assign it to appropriate users
groovy Embezzler.groovy -s http://localhost:9000 -u login -p password -c 'project1,project2' -n 5 -db 1 --dry-run false
# get all unassigned issues started from yesterday and assign it to appropriate users
groovy Embezzler.groovy -s http://localhost:9000 -u login -p password -c 'project1,project2' -db 1 --dry-run false


groovy main/groovy/Embezzler.groovy --help

usage: groovy Embezzler.groovy -s http://localhost:9000 -u user -p
 -c,--components <arg>          specify list of components (separated by comma)
 -d,--dry-run <arg>             specify to not to perform any action, by default
                                is dry-run
 -h,--help                      print this message
 -n,--number <arg>              specify number of issues to retreive, if not 
                                specified will be queried all issues for whole day
 -db,--days-before <arg>        specify day for which will be queried issues
                                (1 - yesterday, 2 - two days ago and so on), if not 
                                specified issues will be queried without date 
 -da,--default-assignee <arg>   specify default user to assign issues on                          
 -p,--password <arg>            specify user password
 -s,--host <arg>                specify SonarQube URL
 -u,--user <arg>                specify user login


In order to hide password from console history or script is used with CI server, for example Jenkins, you can specify environment variable SNR_PASSWORD instead of passing password with -p.

export SNR_PASSWORD=mypassword