
Includes a table template allowing sorting, filtering, pagination. Currently using bootstrap theming. Based on https://github.com/Mottie/tablesorter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Includes a table template allowing sorting, filtering, pagination. Currently using bootstrap theming. Based on https://github.com/Mottie/tablesorter


The template is currently designed to use with bootstrap. In order to work properly, it requires:

  • importing elib/elib-tablesorter/lib
  • a theader with at least one row with th's in it.
  • a tbody. This automatically gets wrapped around rows outside a theader and tfooter


  • Sorting can be disabled per column by adding the class="sorter-false" attribute to a th.
  • Sorting is primarily done in alphabetic order, but can be adapted by starting the content of a column cell using the hidden template makeSortable( order: : String ). makeSortable can also be used anywhere in a column cell to have additional searchable data to each cell which you don't want to get displayed.


The template signature is sortedTableBordered( defaultPageSize : Int ). Example:

	theader{ row {
		th{ "Student"     }
		th[class="sorter-false"]{ "Submissions" }
		th{ "Started"     }
		th{ "Completed"   }
		th{ "Grade"       }
		th{ "Passed"      }
	} }
	for(s in students) {