WebDSL Service Utils

Repository for exploring possible improvements to WebDSL Services.


cd groove
# to make use of the compile server
webdsl start &
# run the app
webdsl run
# run the tests
webdsl check
# run the web tests
webdsl check-web


  • Documentation
    • Repository: Installation, Structure, How to run/develop
    • API: Document the REST interface of all explorations
    • Current code: REST API design decisions
  • Project
    • Adjust groove project
      • Remove frontend & themeing
      • Make runnable
      • Does the application logic stay?
    • Add GET,PUT endpoints
    • Update Dockerfile(s)
  • Tests
    • Fix current test: ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:234 - Referential integrity constraint violation
    • Unit tests
    • Figure out how to test REST endpoints with web tests
    • Add tests for the endpoints (auth, response body|header|status)
    • Is there something like coverage reports for WebDSL?
  • WebDSL buildfarm integration
  • Don't abuse the README and use tagged GitHub issues for this...