
⚙️ Arduino Firmware for Webduino

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


⚙️ Arduino Firmware for Webduino


We have to include library first in order to use specific components.

Include Library

Download and add following libraries into Arduino IDE as desired.

Component Library
LiquidCrystal I2C Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-library.zip
DFRobot DFPlayer Mini DFRobotDFPlayerMini-1.0.1.zip
Firmata Stepper FirmataStepper.zip
HX711 HX711.zip
IRRemote IRremote.zip
Joypad Joypad.zip
MaxMatrix MaxMatrix.zip
MFRC522 MFRC522.zip
Software I2C SoftI2CMaster.zip
TinyGPSPlus TinyGPSPlus.zip
EEPROM wa_eeprom.zip
G3 wa_G3.zip
GY291 wa_GY291.zip
LCD1602 wa_LCD1602.zip
Serial Data Exchange wa_serialDataExchange.zip

Burn firmware

Choose a firmware that fits your need from /ino.

Download and open .ino file with Arduino IDE, and then upload it to Arduino.

Further Reading

Please read tutorial on Webduino for detailed information.

Language Link
中文 https://webduino.io/tutorials/info-07-arduino-ino.html
English https://webduino.io/en/tutorials/info-07-arduino-ino.html


wafirmata is released under the MIT license.

Please read LICENSE for more information.