
an interactive tour of all the major features of the new CSS property: flexbox.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

======= ##flexbox in 5 minutes

###an interactive tour of all the major features of the new CSS property: flexbox.

What can you do here?

  • Take a step-by-step tour through the main properties of flexbox, including a few demos
  • Play to your heart's content, changing properties of the flex container and individual flex items
  • Copy and paste live code samples from whatever you create

Take the tour!


Please feel free to make contributions or suggestions of any kind. All input is welcome and appreciated.

This is a fairly straightforward project. There's no server side code or routing. The front-end is built on Typescript and Angular 2.0.

To run the project locally, just clone/fork the project, install dependencies and start the app:

git clone git@github.com:brycepj/flexbox.git
npm install
npm start