
Spring-Boot MVC Templates

Primary LanguageJava

#Webermaster Spring-Boot Spring MVC Project Template

This project is a template for Spring-Boot MVC projects in Java 8.

##Starting the Server

The server will be secured with Basic authentication by default. Set the username and password for the default user when starting server like so.

cd *core
mvn -Dsecurity.user.name=<username> -Dsecurity.user.password=<password> spring-boot:run

##Integration Testing

This template comes with a preconfigured integration test package is a seperate module from the server. The tests can be run like so.

cd *test
mvn -Dusername=<username> -Dpassword=<password> -Dspring.profiles.active=<profile> -P<maven profile> test

###JUnit Categories and Maven Profiles This template comes with two maven test profiles pre-configured; integration and smoke.
To add more test categories simply add an empty interface to the categories package and add the corresponding maven profile to the test module's pom.xml. Be sure to annotate the desired tests with @Category(<InterfaceName>.class). Note, a maven profile can execute any number of test categories. For example, the preconfigured integration profile runs both the Integration and Smoke JUnit Categories.

##Further Reading

Spring-Boot Documentation

Spring-Boot Configuration Properties

Spring-Boot Actuator

Spring Security