pre-alpha not entirely working yet not released :)
Please visit the wiki for information on getting up and running.
Click here for API Documentation
Padding on child elements breaks center & right alignment with & without box-sizing: border-boxuse jquery outerwidth to fixMargins break alignmentsaccount for margins on left & right align by getting value & computing it for the scroll adjustmentIndicator buttons are hardcoded to only work for left align atmfixed improper child left bounds calculations in the viewportChangeHandler function, implemented align checking for indicatorsPrev arrow button broken atmfixed, was broken only for centered alignment due to incorrect arithmatic symbol- Create workaround for the
overflow: scroll
right padding problem <-- this fix works; however, for snapAlignment: right, since its using this pseudoelement fix instead of margin there needs to be a way to calculate the offset it creates when aligning the snap Borders create minor offset issues, current working fix is a little hacky (add additional width of a couple pixels on some checks)- Should remove scrollbar from carousel only if JS is enabled, to retain additional functionality in no-js env
Change everything from Weber Carousel to Scroll Carousel
- Extract API for passing custom button classes or text
- Dynamically add theme classes on instantiation (bad? need those classes for it to work without js)
- Provide optional splitting of background from items (item takes up full width of carousel, bg images fade out/in on item change)
- Write API documentation (WIP)
- Add clickable overlay to any visible but unaligned items that allows you to click an item and center it