
Various scripts and whatnot for automatic checking/correcting of verb related errors, backup of a local git repo

Primary LanguagePython

	Verb Checker
	Framework for handling data in order to allow
	the testing of various automated verb error 
	checking methods using Mallet classifiers
	Author: Noah Weber
	Email: webern2@winthrop.edu
	-Mallet library is installed
	-Nltk along with the verbnet package is installed
	-FCE corpus is downloaded

Handling FCE data:
	-Before running program concat all FCE xml files into one
	large xml file (and use sed or something to make this into
	valid xml).
	-Then split this data into testing and training sets (~0.9 training to testing proportion is fine now)
	-Use python process_fce_data.py fcexmlfile.xml trainout trainout_delim to get fce text data and delimited fce text data
	-Then use the annotate_text.sh script to pos tag both the fce text data file and the delimited fce data
Use the prep_data script to run through data preperation pipeline
Use run-classifier script to run the classifier and use eval_results.py to evaluate the results of the classifier

Send questions and complaints to webern2@winthrop.edu