

This repo is used as a "seed" repo for the management of a delivery platform for the EDDE product. The intention is for this repo to be a template/seed that can be used by a scaffolding program to spin up a delivery platform specific to a cohort of students. Each cohort would have a unique copy of this repo and unique resources would be deployed from those repos.


  • Terraform
  • terraform-compliance
  • CircleCI


The pipeline in this repo can be customized to deploy different EDDE environments by changing the following in .circleci/config.yml

line 7-9: static_web_storage_account_name: type: string default: "<< the unique name of the web storage account for the cohort environment >>" line 10-12: resource_group_name: type: string default: "<< the name of the Azure Resource Group for the cohort environment >>" line 13-15: backend_container_name: type: string default: "<< container name used for hosting the static web content for the cohort application >>" line 25-28: environment: ARM_CLIENT_ID: << client ID of service principal with the permissions to manage resources within the cohort environment >> ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: << parent subscription ID that will host the cohort environment resources >> ARM_TENANT_ID: << the parent Azure AD tenant ID for the overall cohort environment resources >>

terraform files

The terraform files are currently broken out into separate files defining the following groups of resources:

  • backend.tf - defines the location of the terraform remote state
  • main.tf - defines the provider and current context settings
  • resource_groups.tf - defines the creation of the parent resource groups
  • storage.tf - defines the storage account resources and any output token data
  • terraform.tfvars - defines any custom configuration specific to the resources managed in this pipeline
  • variables.tf - defines the variable structure and descriptive definitions of their use

circleci api key for context creation

There is a GS pipeline service account called "svc-gs-pipeline". Its email address and mailbox are hosted on Ionos and its email address is "svc_gs_pipeline@paulsoftware.com". This information, along with the circleci api key for the service account are vaulted in the AKV-DE-Keyvault in Azure.

This service account is used for the following:

  • CircleCI access in order to create and manage contexts.