React Native Expo Boilerplate (Beta)

Server Template

It's important to note: this boilerplate is designed to work in conjunction with Node.js Boilerplate back-end or API.

Getting Started Server

To get started, clone a copy of the server boilerplate from Github:

git clone git@

Once the boilerplate is cloned, cd into its folder and run npm install to download all of the boilerplate's dependencies:

cd nodejs-server-boilerplate && npm install


Modify api/graphql/server.js Replace

const token = req?.cookies["app_login_token"];


const authorization = req?.headers["authorization"];
const token = req?.cookies["app_login_token"] || authorization?.replace("Bearer ", "");


Modify api/users/graphql/mutations.js both signup and login mutations should now return a token with the user so in both methods instead of :

return user;

change to

return { ...user, token };


Modify api/users/graphql/types.js Change the user type to include the token.

type User {
    name: Name
    token: String

Start server

npm run dev

Getting Started Mobile App

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Navigate to clonned folder and Install dependencies
cd react-native-boilerplate && yarn install

# Install Pods
cd ios && pod install

Back in the parent folder modify ApolloClient.js

const BASE_URL = "";

replace I.P. with your local I.P. address


expo start