
Displays alerts and confirmation dialogs and toasts the easy way! 🚨


  • Install @webfactor/ionic-alert-service via npm.
  • Add AlertServiceModule.forRoot() to your Ionic module imports.

This service epends on `@ngx-translate/core', which should be installed and implemented.
The dialogs expect the following translations. If not present, "Ok","Abbrechen","Löschen","Speichern" and "Verwerfen" are used.

    "global": {
        "ok": "Yep!",
        "cancel": "Nope!",
        "delete": "Löschen",
        "save": "Speichern",
        "dismiss": "Verwerfen"


alert(message: string, title: string = null, subTitle: string = null): Promise<any>

Presents an alert. The Promise is fulfilled when closing the dialog.

confirm(message: string, title: string = null, subTitle: string = null): Promise<any>

Presents an confirmation dialog. The Promise is fulfilled on accept, rejected on decline.

confirmDelete(message: string, title: string = null, subTitle: string = null): Promise<any>

Presents an confirmation dialog. The Promise is fulfilled on accept, rejected on decline. Replace translation cancel with delete

confirmSaveDismiss(message: string, title: string = null, subTitle: string = null): Promise<any>

Presents an confirmation dialog. The Promise is fulfilled on accept, rejected on decline. Replace translation ok with save and cancel with dismiss. enableBackdropDismiss option

shortToast(message: string, position: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' = 'bottom'): Promise<any>

longToast(message: string, position: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' = 'bottom'): Promise<any>

    message: string,
    position: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' = 'bottom',
    duration: number = 2500,
    showCloseButton: boolean = false,
    closeButtonText: string = 'OK'
): Promise<any>

Presents a toast message.
The Promise is fulfilled when transition is completed.


constructor(private alertService: AlertService) {}

confirmPizzaOrder(): void {
    this.alertService.confirm('Do you really want to order a triple cheese pizza?')
        .then(() => {
            // Pizza order confirmed.
        }, err => {
            // Pizza order cancelled.