
Base template for develop Yii2 Advanced systems including API module

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Advanced API system using Yii2

Template for advanced systems using Yii2 technologies, It counts with user administration and access control, multiple language support and API configurations and user access to endpoints including test access token.



Be sure to have installed globally the asset plugin:

    composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.4.1"

Follow next steps

Note: For use next commands you must be in project root folder

  • Run composer install or composer update for get vendors files

  • Init the configurations file running the command php init, then choose the environment dev or prod and generate the config files

  • Please create your database and configure the params in common/config/main-local.php

  • Run the migrations using php yii migrate

  • Configure your vhost to:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webfactorycuba@gmail.com
    DocumentRoot "path/to/advanced_api/backend/web"
    ServerName advanced.domain.local
    ServerAlias www.advanced.domain.local

    ErrorLog "logs/advanced-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/advanced-access.log" common

    Options +FollowSymLinks

  • Add to your file etc/hosts the entry for that domain   advanced.domain.local 
  • Please change the configuration of constants in common/models/ConfigServerConstants.php


To use flash messages:

GlobalFunctions::addFlashMessage('success',Yii::t('backend','Success message'));
GlobalFunctions::addFlashMessage('danger',Yii::t('backend','Error message'));
GlobalFunctions::addFlashMessage('info',Yii::t('backend','Info message'));
GlobalFunctions::addFlashMessage('warning',Yii::t('backend','Warning message'));

i18n Internationalitation If the system includes a frontend, the translations key must be enabled in the common/config/main.php file.

'frontend*' => [
    'class' => 'yii\i18n\DbMessageSource',
    'forceTranslation' => true

For the necessary translation texts, the 'backend', 'frontend' or 'common' key must be used and the text must be written in Spanish (the entry for the English language will be created in BD). Example:


Once new translation messages have been defined, they must be extracted for the DB. The command to extract the translations is:

yii message/extract @common/config/i18n.php