Currently waiting on a pull request merge unclecheese/silverstripe-dropzone#34 before this is
functional. Until this is merged if you would like to use this module then use the fork this pull request references.
#Silverstripe Dropzone Sortable#
This plugin allows drag/drop sorting via FileAttachmentField
from the dropzone package.
Run the following to add this module as a requirement and install it via composer.
composer require "webfox/silverstripe-dropzone-sortable"
We need a SortOrder
column on the Image/File relation that FileAttachmentField
is hooked onto.
For a has_many to a custom DataObject
simply add the 'SortOrder' => 'int'
and private static $default_sort = 'SortOrder';
to the DataObject.
If you are relating to Image
or File
directly then you will need a many_many
setup with many_many_extrafields
and an accessor to loop over in the template
<% loop $SortedImages>...<% end_loop %>
or you can do <% loop $Images.Sort('SortOrder') %>...<% end_loop %>
This package will automatically sort the files in the FileAttachmentField.
Here is an example many_many
class MyPage extends Page {
private static $many_many = [
'Images' => 'Image'
private static $many_many_extraFields = [
'Images' => ['SortOrder' => 'Int']
public function getSortedImages(){
return $this->Images()->sort('SortOrder');
To enable sorting simply call ->sortable()
on the FileAttachmentField
e.g. FileAttachmentField::create('Images')->sortable()->imagesOnly();
The only customization available is changing the sort column. FileAttachmentField::create('Images')->sortable()->setSortableColumn('OtherSortColumn');