
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Provides containers which implement parallelism for clients and servers.

Development Status


This gem is based on Async::Container and inherits all its features.

  • Supports multi-process, multi-thread and hybrid containers.
  • Automatic scalability based on physical hardware.
  • Direct integration with systemd using $NOTIFY_SOCKET.
  • Internal process readiness protocol for handling state changes.
  • Automatic restart of failed processes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'async-runner'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install async-runner


bundle exec async-runner --help
#    async-runner [-h/--help] [-v/--version] <command>
#            Scalable multi-thread multi-process container
#            [-h/--help]     Print out help information.                
#            [-v/--version]  Print out the application version.         
#            <command>       Only ["run", Async::Runner::Commands::Run].
#            run [--verbose | --quiet] [-h/--help] [-v/--version] [--restart] [--forked | --threaded | --hybrid] [-n/--count <count>] [--forks <count>] [--threads <count>] [-j/--jobs <count>] [-f/--file <file>]
#                    [--verbose | --quiet]               Verbosity of output for debugging.     
#                    [-h/--help]                         Print out help information.            
#                    [-v/--version]                      Print out the application version.     
#                    [--restart]                         Restart containers if they fail        
#                    [--forked | --threaded | --hybrid]  Select a specific parallelism model.     (default: forked)
#                    [-n/--count <count>]                Number of instances to start.            (default: 10)    
#                    [--forks <count>]                   Number of forks (hybrid only).         
#                    [--threads <count>]                 Number of threads (hybrid only).       
#                    [-j/--jobs <count>]                 Maximum number of async, parallel jobs.  (default: 1000)  
#                    [-f/--file <file>]                  File to run in containers              

Let's suppose you have the following script:

setup do
  logger.info "Setup phase. Executed once..."

run do |job|
  logger.info "Run"

  10.times do |i|
    job.async do
      sleep 1
      logger.info job, "Done #{i}"
  logger.info "Done"

Run this script with the following command:

bundle exec async-runner --count 1 --jobs 2 -f script.rb

This command makes sure there are only 2 async jobs at a time. In other words it runs 2 jobs, waits 2 seconds and runs 2 more jobs. You can limit the number of jobs with -j/--jobs option.

 0.04s     info: Setup phase. Executed once... [ec=0x2bc] [pid=38433] [2022-10-25 20:00:56 +0300]
 0.05s     info: Run [ec=0x2d0] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:00:56 +0300]
 1.05s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x320] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:00:57 +0300]
               | Done 0
 1.05s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x348] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:00:57 +0300]
               | Done 1
 2.05s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x370] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:00:58 +0300]
               | Done 2
 2.05s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x398] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:00:58 +0300]
               | Done 3
 3.05s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x3c0] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:00:59 +0300]
               | Done 4
 3.05s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x3e8] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:00:59 +0300]
               | Done 5
 4.06s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x410] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:01:00 +0300]
               | Done 6
 4.06s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x438] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:01:00 +0300]
               | Done 7
 4.06s     info: Done [ec=0x2d0] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:01:00 +0300]
 5.06s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x460] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:01:01 +0300]
               | Done 8
 5.06s     info: Runner [oid=0x30c] [ec=0x474] [pid=38482] [2022-10-25 20:01:01 +0300]
               | Done 9
 5.07s     info: Async::Container::Forked [oid=0x2f8] [ec=0x30c] [pid=38433] [2022-10-25 20:01:01 +0300]
               | #<Async::Container::Process examples/script.rb> exited with pid 38482 exit 0

Script DSL

setup do
  # runs in the parent process/thread...

run do |job|
  # runs in a child process/thread...

  job.async do
    # your async jobs goes here...
  # other code

run do 
  # this block waits the first one to be finished...

teardown do
  # runs in the parent process/thread...

Standalone script example

#!/usr/bin/env bundle exec async-runner run -f
# frozen_string_literal: true

run do 
  # your code goes here...
> chmod +x ./script.rb
> ./script.rb 


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/webgago/async-runner. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Async::Runner project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.