React Native Template

Mobile app template for a quick start


npx react-native init MyApp --template webgev-mobile-template


After creating the project, you need to configure:

  1. In the .env file, specify the SENTRY_DSN of the project and execute the command npx @sentry/wizard -i reactNative -p ios android selecting your project there
  2. In the .env file, specify the address of your api in PROD_API_BASE, STAGING_API_BASE and DEV_API_BASE
  3. In the src/lib/size/size.ts file, use the setDefaultWidth function to set the screen width according to the design
  4. In the src/lib/theme/theme.ts file, set up the theme according to the design



For logging use

The form

The formik library is connected for the form

UI components

The library native-base is connected as a UI


Graphql with library @apollo/client