
nw.js based SD image writer for linux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Prototype SD card image writer for linux

This is a prototype nw.js app which provides a GUI allowing users to write .img files to SD cards connected to linux systems and also keeps track of the progress by displaying it on a progress bar. With this the user will not have to touch the terminal.


###Usage Note: The app does not work properly on nw.js v0.11.x due to this issue: nwjs/nw.js#272

Please use nw.js v0.10.5 or lower (tested on v0.10.5)

Warning: This is a prototype and all errors may not be handled properly

  • Simply download/clone and run nw on the app/ directory
  • Choose the disk corresponding to your SD card (you can remove and re-insert and refresh to find out)
  • Browse for your .img file and locate it
  • Press the Write Image button, watch the progress and wait for it to complete.

###Working The app works as follows:

  • Finds and lists all available disk drives. (using fdisk)
  • Unmounts all partitions pertaining to the selected disk (using df and umount)
  • Writes image to disk using dd
  • Tracks progress by watching periodic pkills on dd

(Clearly watching pkills doesn't seem to be a very efficient way to track progress, but is the only option given that dd does not write to output streams at all)