
the eslintConfig package

Primary LanguageJavaScript

the eslint config file for csx


simple to use && easy to use in vscode with the plugins named eslint、�prettier-Code formatter (简单易用,尤其是在vscode中配合eslint、�prettier-Code formatter两个插件使用)


step 1

  cd your-project 
  eslint --init
  npm install eslint-config-yhcsx --save-dev 
  npm i eslint-config-yhcsx -D

step 2

change .eslintrc.js which is created in the 'step 1', which is the config file of eslint, just like below:

  module.exports = {
      "extends": "yhcsx", // 'yhcsx' is simplify same as 'eslint-config-yhcsx'


used in the my team only, but if you have some problem, please issue me in the github



  • q: 为什么我操作完成之后,eslint没有生效?

  • a: 很大概率上,安装完了之后,编辑器并不会生效,此时可以重启编辑器,即可生效

Q: Why does eslint not take effect when I do all the steps in the `Usage`?

A: There is a high probability that after installation, the editor will not take effect. You can restart the editor at this time.