
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

🌌 norrsken.nvim

Norrsken colorscheme for NEOVIM written in Lua


✔️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.9.2
  • Treesitter (optional)

#️ Supported Plugins

⬇️ Installation

Install via package manager

-- Using Packer:
use 'webhooked/norrsken.nvim'
" Using Vim-Plug:
Plug 'webhooked/norrsken.nvim'

🚀 Usage

-- Lua:
vim.cmd[[colorscheme norrsken]]
" Vim-Script:
colorscheme norrsken

If you are using lualine, you can also enable the provided theme:

Make sure to set theme as 'norrsken-nvim' as norrsken already exists in lualine built in themes

require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    -- ...
    theme = 'norrsken-nvim'
    -- ...

If you are using LazyVim, you can add this to your plugins/colorscheme.lua file:

return {
  -- add norrsken
  { "webhooked/norrsken.nvim" },

  -- Configure LazyVim to load norrsken
    opts = {
      colorscheme = "norrsken",

🔧 Configuration

The configuration must be run before colorscheme command to take effect. If you're using Lua:

local norrsken = require("norrsken")
  -- customize norrsken color palette
  colors = {
      bg = "#191920",
      fg = "#f8f8f8",
      selection = "#707077",
      comment = "#707077",
      flare = "#ff2e18",
      shimmer = "#b5b5fe",
      glow = "#f9fc45",
      aurora = "#67f0ab",
      twilight = "#7e7dfd",
      nebula = "#4fe1c5",
      sky = "#37d3e0",
      bright_red = "#ff999e",
      bright_green = "#67f0ab",
      bright_yellow = "#f9fc45",
      bright_blue = "#37d3e0",
      bright_magenta = "#7e7dfd",
      bright_cyan = "#4fe1c5",
      bright_white = "#ffffff",
      menu = "#191920",
      visual = "#202026",
      gutter_fg = "#202026",
      nontext = "#202026",
      white = "#b2b2b2",
      black = "#191920",
  -- show the '~' characters after the end of buffers
  show_end_of_buffer = true, -- default false
  -- use transparent background
  transparent_bg = true, -- default false
  -- set custom lualine background color
  lualine_bg_color = "#101012", -- default nil
  -- set italics
  italics {
    comments = true, -- default false
    keywords = true, -- default false
  -- overrides the default highlights with table see `:h synIDattr`
  overrides = {},
  -- You can use overrides as table like this
  -- overrides = {
  --   NonText = { fg = "white" }, -- set NonText fg to white
  --   NvimTreeIndentMarker = { link = "NonText" }, -- link to NonText highlight
  --   Nothing = {} -- clear highlight of Nothing
  -- },
  -- Or you can also use it like a function to get color from theme
  -- overrides = function (colors)
  --   return {
  --     NonText = { fg = colors.white }, -- set NonText fg to white of theme
  --   }
  -- end,