Raitis Barkāns


Same but without Page Object:


Task 1

In Task1.feature create 1 scenario outline and 1 scenario for page with url: "https://kristinek.github.io/site/tasks/enter_a_number"

  • Scenario outline for error cases:
    • enter number too small
    • enter number too big
    • enter text instead of the number
  • Scenario for correct number

Task 2

In Task2.feature create 1 scenario outline and create scenario or scenario outlines for page https://kristinek.github.io/site/tasks/list_of_people.html or https://kristinek.github.io/site/tasks/list_of_people_with_jobs.html in order to test that user can:

  • add a new person
  • edit a person
  • remove a person
  • reset original list after:
    • adding a person
    • editing a person
    • removing a person
  • check that clear button on adding a user works correctly


see wiki


see wiki for Create-a-branch

see wiki for Git-add-commit-pust