Webiny Data Mock

Add .env file into the project root and fill it with:


Run with

yarn create-data

Blog mock data (id: blog)

The blog mock data creates:

  • categories
  • authors
  • articles


Category list is hardcoded, there is 10 of them.


Authors list is hardcoded, there is 7 of them.


Article structure is hardcoded, but the content is modified with the author name and category titles - as there can be multiple categories attached to an article.

There are modifier arguments for the create-data command:

yarn create-data --article:amount=100 --article:atOnce=10 --article:startId=555

The article:amount defines how much articles will be generated - default is 100.

The article:atOnce defines how much articles will be created at once (how many mutations will be sent at once) - default is 10.

The article:startId defines the starting ID number of the articles - default is 1.

Skip creating blog articles

If you want to skip creating blog articles, add --skip=cms:blog argument to the create-data command:

yarn create-data --skip=cms:blog

Note that this will NOT skip group and models creation.

Car mock data (id: simpleCars)

Car Makes

Car makes list is hardcoded, there is 39 of them.

Car Models

Car models list is hardcoded, there is 892 of them.

There are modifier arguments for the create-data command:

yarn create-data --simpleCarModels:atOnce=10

The simpleCarModels:atOnce defines how much car models will be created at once (how many mutations will be sent at once) - default is 10.

Skip creating simple cars

If you want to skip creating cars, add --skip=cms:simpleCars argument to the create-data command:

yarn create-data --skip=cms:simpleCars

Fetch All Entries From A Certain Model

You can also fetch a list of entries from a certain model. For example, to fetch a list of articles, run:

yarn fetch-data --model=article --per-request=2000 --filename=articles.json


  • model - is the modelId you want to fetch entries from
  • per-request - is the number of entries you want to fetch per request - default is 1000
  • max-requests - is the maximum number of requests you want to allow to execute - default is 100
  • filename - is the name of the file where the fetched entries will be saved - if no filename is given, you will only get info about the amount of entries fetched

Note that, if you pass the filename, the fetched entries will contain only the allowed types of fields, defined here.