
Automated Teller Machine

Primary LanguageHTML

Automated Teller Machine

The task is to implement a simple web application that simulates withdrawal of cash from an ATM. The ATM can payout both notes and coins. You are free to design the UI in the way you see fit.

There are a number of physical constraints on the ATM:

  • There are 3 payout boxes: 1 for notes, 1 for coins > 20mm and 1 for coins <= 20mm
  • 5 notes are available: 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50
  • 5 coins are available: 20 (40mm), 10 (20mm), 5 (50mm), 2 (30mm) and 1 (10mm)
  • There’s a finite amount of notes and coins

We have the following user stories:

  • As a User I want to be able to enter an amount, so that I can specify how much money to withdraw.
  • As a User I want to receive notes and coins that match the entered amount, so I can go spend the money
  • As a Bank I want the least number of notes and coins to be used for payout, so that I don’t have to refill often

Example​: User wants to withdraw 578. The ATM responds with: Notes 1x500, 1x50, coins 1x20, 1x5, 1x2, 1x1 There are many ways to solve this, some requiring very few lines of code. Keep in mind that while we do not expect your code to be production ready, this your opportunity to show your skills. What we're looking for is to see if you have the ability to transform a set of user requirements into a working tool, preferably creating some nice and clean code along the way. We will appreciate if your solution is:

  • Working
  • Easy to use
  • Maintainable
  • Testable


node test.js 888