
A webpack plugin which upload builded assets to tencent cos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Tecent COS Webpack Plugin

Upload the webpack build assets to Tencent COS, make it convinent to use CDN.

Quick Start

// import TencentCosWebpackPlugin
const TencentCosWebpackPlugin = require('tenent-cos-webpack-plugin');

// Instantiate the Plugin with your COS auth info
const cosPlugin = new CosPlugin({
  secretId: 'my-secret-id', // usual use BucketName-APPID. refer: https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/36119#.E7.AE.80.E5.8D.95.E4.B8.8A.E4.BC.A0.E5.AF.B9.E8.B1.A1
  secretKey: 'my-secret-key',
  bucket: 'my-125000000',
  region: 'ap-chengdu',
  path: 'xxx/' // the sub directory in the COS bucket, its default value is "[hash]/" which indicate the webpack build hash
  changeFileName: Function, // change the filename under COS path。
  proxy: 'xxx.proxy.com' // your http/https proxy
  exclude: /\.map$/ // which file to exclude

// Webpack config
module.exports = {
 output: {
    // your cos domain
    publicPath: "http://www.abc.com"
    // ...
 plugins: [
   // ...
 // ...


  • fork the repo

  • clone your repo

git clone https://github.com/xxxx/tencent-cos-webpack-plugin # clone the repo
  • install dep
npm install # install dep
  • coding

  • lint & test

write unit test and execute it

npm run lint
npm run test
  • put a pull request


thanks to the repostory cos-webpack. I just change the output filename logic.