Control Webkey Application with intents

Android application components can connect to other Android applications by sending intents. An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed.

Pre requirements:

  1. The applications signed by the same key can send intents to each other.
  2. The intent sending feature requires permission of the sending application.

Permission configuration

The required permission is in the AndroidManifest.xml file of the sender application: com.webkey.permission.CONTROL Example AndroidManifes.xml:

<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <uses-permission android:name="com.webkey.permission.CONTROL"/>
    <application ...>

Intent sending

Java examples for intents

Start the Webkey service

public void startWebkeyService() {
    Intent startServiceIntent = new Intent();

        "com.webkey.service.BackgroundService" );

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
    } else {

Update settings

You can set custom settings. The parameters are optional.

  • fleet id
  • server address
  • custom, external serial id
public void updateSettings() {
    Intent updateSettingsIntent = new Intent(

Connect to Webkey server

public void enableService() {
    Intent activateIntent = new Intent(

Disconnect from the Webkey server and stop the service

public void stopService() {
    Intent stopIntent = new Intent(

Disconnect from the Webkey server and enforce to kill the service process.

public void stopService() {
    Intent stopIntent = new Intent(

Request the connection status and serial id from the Webkey service.

The Webkey service send response with pending intent. You must implement an intent receiver. The pending intent key in the broadcast intent is the receiver.

If no intent is coming the Webkey service is inactive so the connection is offline.

public void getConnectionStatus() {
    Intent getConnectionStatusIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ExampleReceiver.class);

    PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 10, getConnectionStatusIntent, 0);

    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putParcelable("receiver", pi);

    Intent serviceIntent = new Intent("com.webkey.intent.action.GET_CONNECTION_STATUS");

Receive the connection status

To receive the connection status you have to implement an intent receiver. The Webkey client application will send response intent with the given action after the service has received the connection status request. The intent contains two extas.

  • Type: bool, value name: connected. The true value means that the service has been connected to the server.
  • Type: String, value name: serial_id. It represent the serial id of the device. With this id you can refer to this device on the Webkey Dashboard. The serial has been validated by "^[0-9A-Za-z:]{1,50}$" expression

Example of the broadcast receiver is in "" file.