
Hackathon Hack In The Wood. Team MacInTheWood from BeCode work on the Close the Gap's Project



App The Gap: Project "Close The Gap" during Hackathon HITW

  • Event : Hackathon "Hack In The Wood".
  • From August 1st to August 4th 2019
  • Project: Close the Gap

Why we choose this project

Original pitch of the project

Close the Gap récupère et remet en service des ordinateurs et les envoie en Afrique. Cependant, il est difficile de pouvoir suivre leur évolution (où ils sont, sont-ils utilisés, dans quel but, par qui ?). ➢ Logiciel permettant de savoir où et comment les PC donnés en Afrique sont utilisés.

L’association possède un important roulement de stock d’ordinateurs. Ils doivent donc pouvoir facilement les tracker et suivre leur évolution jusqu’à la réception dans le pays envoyé. ➢ Portail de gestion des stocks des dons d’ordinateurs.

Video: https://www.facebook.com/MICBelgique/videos/1234092483427454/

BeCode & Close The Gap

Since day 1, Close the Gap is helping BeCode to provide a free environment of training. Thanks to our partner, learners are able to have a free computer during 7 months. That's why we decided to help Close the Gap, because they're helping us for two and a half years.

We want to thank Didier Appels from Close the Gap for his help. Thanks to him, we better understant the needs of this NGO.
Other contact at Close The Gap: Peter Manderick

Technologies Used for the Hackathon

  • ReactJS (frontend) + MeteorJS (backend capabilities)
  • MongoDB (database)
  • Adobe XD (mockup prototyping)
  • Adobe Illustrator (to create vector graphics)


Credits 🔌

Corporate Face Actual ID GitHub LinkedIn
Mathilde BAQUET MathildeBa https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathilde-baquet-b44440122/
Corneliu GAINA corneliushka https://www.linkedin.com/in/corneliugaina/
Andres GOLDESTEIN AndresGol https://www.linkedin.com/in/andresgol//
Emily Marghella webmae https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilymrghl/
Bertrand MARLAIR Bertrandmarlair https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertrand-marlair/
Jean-Marc BROUTIN jmbroutin https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-marc-broutin-489667144/
Pierre-Louis PICARD pierrelouis242 https://www.linkedin.com/in/pierre-louis-picard-b30993a8/
Teddy WAUQUIER Elleonors https://www.linkedin.com/in/teddy-wauquier-8b2388179/
Pablo MOMBO RASERO Pablomombo https://www.linkedin.com/in/pablo-mombo-rasero/