
This is a Clone of WhatsApp Web Layout. This project is just to improve my skills with HTML5, CSS3, ReactJs and Typescript, i'm not violating the original whatsapp copyright.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is a Responsive Whatsapp Web Clone, this project was made to improve my Skills and habilities with CSS BEM architecture, SASS, React, Typescript and Context API.



Techs 💻

Style guide tools 🛠️

Material UI Icons used 🖼️

  • DonutLarge
  • Chat
  • MoreVert
  • Notifications
  • NotificationsOff
  • NotificationsActive
  • Search
  • Colorize
  • VolumeOff
  • ExpandMore
  • Computer
  • ChevronLeft
  • Attachment
  • InsertEmoticon
  • Mic
  • send
  • ArrowBack
  • GroupAdd
  • Avatar
  • CameraAlt
  • Edit
  • Brightness6
  • Wallpaper
  • Block
  • Help
  • IconButton
  • WhatsApp
  • Replay
  • Settings
  • PlayCircleFilled

Libs 📚

Running project 👨‍💻

clone this repository by copying this command and pasting in your terminal 👇

git clone https://github.com/washington299/WhatsApp-Web-Layout-Clone.git

go to your project folder by pasting this command in your terminal 👇

cd .\WhatsApp-Web-Layout-Clone\
cd ./WhatsApp-Web-Layout-Clone

Then open the folder in your editor and run the project by typing this command:

yarn start
npm run start

Then open your browser and type this address: http://localhost:3000.

made with ❤️ by Washington Campos.