This is a Responsive Whatsapp Web Clone, this project was made to improve my Skills and habilities with CSS BEM architecture, SASS, React, Typescript and Context API.
- DonutLarge
- Chat
- MoreVert
- Notifications
- NotificationsOff
- NotificationsActive
- Search
- Colorize
- VolumeOff
- ExpandMore
- Computer
- ChevronLeft
- Attachment
- InsertEmoticon
- Mic
- send
- ArrowBack
- GroupAdd
- Avatar
- CameraAlt
- Edit
- Brightness6
- Wallpaper
- Block
- Help
- IconButton
- Replay
- Settings
- PlayCircleFilled
clone this repository by copying this command and pasting in your terminal 👇
git clone
go to your project folder by pasting this command in your terminal 👇
cd .\WhatsApp-Web-Layout-Clone\
cd ./WhatsApp-Web-Layout-Clone
Then open the folder in your editor and run the project by typing this command:
yarn start
npm run start
Then open your browser and type this address: http://localhost:3000
made with ❤️ by Washington Campos.