
Drand webpage, docs and blog 📚


Drand documentation

Welcome to the drand documentation website! The live site can be found at https://drand.love.

Project set up

If you want to build this site locally, run the following:

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/drand/website.git
  2. Move into the website folder and install the npm dependencies:

    cd website
    npm install
  3. Boot up the application in dev mode:

    npm start
  4. Open localhost:8080 in your browser.

  5. Close the local server with CTRL + c.

  6. To restart the local server, run npm start from within the website folder.

Creating a blog post

  1. Within the /docs/blog directory, create a new markdown document for the blog post. It should be the date of the post as YYYY-MM-DD followed by the post title in kebab-case and finally the extension .md. So, a post called Bill and Teds Excellent Randomness Protocol created on Monday 25th May 2020 would look like /docs/blog/2020-05-25-bill-and-teds-excellent-randomness-protocol.md.
  2. If you need to add images into your post, first copy and paste them into the blog folder. Then reference them within your post using [Image caption](./image-name.png).
  3. Before you write the post, add the following meta data using YAML front matter:
    title: The title of your blog post, note you do not need to repeat this in the post content
    summary: A short summary of the blog post for display in the post index page.
    date: 2020-08-10
       - Grouping
       - Tags
       - Relevant
       - To
       - The
       - Post

Always test that you blog post is displaying correctly before merging anything into master.