
A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post

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VuePress New Page

A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post

Build Status Coverage Status npm version Greenkeeper badge MIT License


I'm lazy, get bored easily, and make a lot of mistakes.


It would create the directory and file with initial front matter such as title and current date.


$ npm install --global vuepress-new-page


$ vuepress-new-page --help

  Usage: cli [options]

  vuepress-new-page version 0.1.0
  A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post

    -v, --version                output the version number
    -t, --title <title>          Page/Post title - required
    -s, --slug [optional]        Page/Post slug
    -d, --date [optional]        Page/Post date
    -f, --dateformat [optional]  Page/Post dateformat - defaults to 'isoDateTime'
    -D, --directory [optional]   Page/Post directory - defaults to 'docs'
    -F, --filename [optional]    Page/Post filename - defaults to 'README.md'
    -h, --help                   output usage information

    $ vuepress-new-page --title="My Post Title"
    # or you can use the shorter alias `vp-new`
    $ vp-new --title="My Page Title" --directory="some/sub/dir"



$ vp-new --title="My Page Title"

Would create docs/my-page-title/README.md having the following content:


title: My Page Title

date: 2018-12-20T04:42:59+0200


# {{ $page.title }}

Custom options using command args

$ vp-new \
  --title="My Blog Post Title" \
  --directory="source/blog" \
  --filename="index.md" \
  --dateformat="yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss"

Would create source/blog/my-blog-post-title/index.md having the following content:


title: My Blog Post Title

date: 2018-12-20 04:55:20


# {{ $page.title }}

Using rc file(s)

You can simply create an rc file .vuepress-new-pagerc and place it in your project directory.

Here's an example:

  "directory": "projects/node/cli",
  "filename": "index.md",
  "dateformat": "default",
  // here's how you can set your own template as an array
  // the array is simply joined with "\n"
  "template": [
    "title: %%title%%",
    "date: %%date%%",
    "author: [Webmasterish](https://webmasterish.com)",
    "description: A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post",
    "  - name: twitter:title",
    "    content: %%title%%",
    "  - name: twitter:description",
    "    content: A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post",
    "  - name: twitter:url",
    "    content: {{ $site.url }}{{ $page.permalink }}",
    "  - property: og:type",
    "    content: article",
    "  - property: og:title",
    "    content: %%title%%",
    "  - property: og:description",
    "    content: A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post",
    "  - property: og:url",
    "    content: {{ $site.url }}{{ $page.permalink }}",
    "# %%title%%",
    "> on %%date%% i created %%title%%",
  // and here's an example having the template set as a string
  //"template": "---\ntitle: %%title%%\n---"

Assuming you have the same rc file as the above, and have placed at ./.vuepress-new-pagerc, and then used vp-new -t "VuePress New Page - Node Cli App ✨", the result would be a file created at ./projects/node/cli/vuepress-new-page-node-cli-app/index.md having the following content:


title: VuePress New Page - Node Cli App ✨

date: Thu Dec 20 2018 06:05:14

author: [Webmasterish](https://webmasterish.com)

description: A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post

  - name: twitter:title
    content: VuePress New Page - Node Cli App ✨
  - name: twitter:description
    content: A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post
  - name: twitter:url
    content: {{ $site.url }}{{ $page.permalink }}
  - property: og:type
    content: article
  - property: og:title
    content: VuePress New Page - Node Cli App ✨
  - property: og:description
    content: A simple way to create a new VuePress page or post
  - property: og:url
    content: {{ $site.url }}{{ $page.permalink }}


# VuePress New Page - Node Cli App ✨

> on Thu Dec 20 2018 06:05:14 i created VuePress New Page - Node Cli App ✨



MIT © webmasterish