
an educational bash script to scrape free comics

Primary LanguageShell

Comics Scraper

A versatile and user-friendly bash script that scrapes and downloads comics from various websites, ultimately packaging them into .cbz files for easy reading.


  • You will need to have bash, curl, pup, awk, sed, tr, wget, and zip installed on your system.
  • To install pup (a command line parser for HTML), you can follow the instructions given here.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/webmatze/comics-scraper.git
  2. Change the permissions of the script to make it executable:
    chmod +x comics_scraper.sh


The script can be used with the following command:

./comics_scraper.sh [OPTIONS]


  • -u, --url URL: Specify the base URL to scrape comics from (mandatory).
  • -p, --post-selector SELECTOR: Specify the CSS selector to extract post URLs (default: #post-area .post > center a attr{href}).
  • -i, --image-selector SELECTOR: Specify the CSS selector to extract image URLs (default: center center div img[style*="max-width"] attr{src}).
  • -d, --download-path PATH: Specify the base download path (default: data).
  • -v, --verbose: Show verbose output.
  • -h, --help: Show the help message.

Example usage

By default, the script uses a set of default selectors to locate and download the comics.

./comics_scraper.sh -u https://readallfreecomics.com/

However, you can customize these settings by providing additional arguments.

./comics_scraper.sh -u https://readallfreecomics.com/ -p "#post-area .post > center a attr{href}" -i "center center div img[style*=\"max-width\"] attr{src}" -d data -v


This project is for education purposes only. Please use it only for free comics. I do not support illegal downloads!


If you wish to contribute to this project, please submit an issue or a pull request!