
An App Engine app for creating and managing a map of a foodshed.

Primary LanguagePython

Setting up the DC Foodshed App

The DC Foodshed App uses a number of existing projects, such as Bobo, Chameleon, Geomodel, and Buildout.

See http://bobo.digicool.com/ for information on bobo.

See http://chameleon.repoze.org/ for information on Chameleon.

See http://code.google.com/p/geomodel/ for information on Geomodel.

See http://www.buildout.org/ for information on Buildout.

Right now, the app is essentially a static page that embeds an iframe with a map maintained here:: http://geocommons.com/maps/52950

Running the application out of the box

Build and run the application:

$ python2.5 bootstrap.py --distribute
$ ./bin/buildout
$ ./bin/dev_appserver parts/foodshed

Then access the application using a web browser with the following URL:


Uploading and managing

To upload application files, run:

$ ./bin/appcfg update parts/foodshed

For a more detailed documentation follow this url:
