
Chrome Devtools Protocol -- ClojureScript REPL-ENV

Primary LanguageClojure

This repl env allows to attach a ClojureScript REPL to any running JavaScript process, that can provide a CDP - compatible devtools/debugger port.


Add cdp-repl to your deps.edn

{:git/url "https://github.com/webnf/cdp-repl.git"
 ;; replace with latest master
 :sha "72af8c0bc72c7129e60b918426ef981db220232f"}

TODO: packaging and deployment to clojars

Start a JS runtime with an inspector port

node --inspect=9242

Connect a CLJS REPL

(defonce OPTS
  {:main 'user
   ;; :preloads '[webnf.cdp-repl.log]
   :asset-path "cdp-repl"
   :output-to "target/resources/cdp-repl.js"
   :output-dir "target/resources/cdp-repl/"
   :target :bundle
   :optimizations :none
   :pretty-print true
   :source-map true
   :parallel-build true
   :aot-cache true
   :infer-externs true})
(bapi/build (bapi/inputs "src" "dev-resources") OPTS)
(defonce WATCH
  (future (bapi/watch (bapi/inputs "src" "dev-resources") OPTS)))
(def ENV (repl-env "localhost" 9223 OPTS))
(cljs.repl/repl ENV)
;; or when going via NREPL
#_(cider.piggieback/cljs-repl ENV OPTS)

Embed / Extend

No runtime requirements

The inspected process need not be compiled with CLJS support, or even with goog closure support, for that matter. A CDP port is all that's necessary from the JS runtime.

The goog.base bootstrap is injected on repl setup.

No network connectivity

Code loading is tunnelled through CDP as well, therefore the REPL doesn't require any network connectivity. This allows to also repl into heavily sandboxed runtimes.

Debugger access

The mechanism, that supports blocking tunneling through CDP, is exposed for extensibility. While cdp-repl is attached, ClojureScript can make blocking calls into the compiler runtime:

var WEBNF_CDP_REPL_REQUEST = "extension/command";

debugger calls are intercepted by cdp-repl, and for each call where there is a WEBNF_CDP_REPL_REQUEST var in local variables, the breakpoint is passed to a multimethod:

(defmethod webnf.cdp-repl/run-command! "extension/command"
  [env connection breakpoint]
  ;; Usually, this could set a result variable,
  ;; to be returned after resuming from the breakpoint
  (clj-chrome-devtools.commands.debugger/resume connection {}))