
a kubectl plugin that help you customize output columns like a boss !

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A "kubectl get" replacement with customizable column presets.

Master you kubectl output like a JSONpath pro :-)

Using kubectl-custom-cols

kubectl custom-cols -o <template name> <arguments>


kubectl custom-cols -o qos-class pods -l app=nginx

will output:

NAME                   QoS-Class    STATUS
web-front-0            BestEffort   Running
web-front-1            BestEffort   Running
web-back-0             Burstable    Running

Install kubectl-custom-cols


If you're on Mac OS X, you may need to first run brew install coreutils to get the realpath function.


  • download the latest release
  • copy kubectl-custom-cols script and the templates folder together, somewhere in your PATH

Via krew

If you already have the krew kubectl plugin manager installed, you can just issue the following command:

kubectl krew install custom-cols

Customize kubectl-custom-cols

You can add you own templates in the templates folder.


Please feel free to send a PR or open issues ta the original repo : https://github.com/webofmars/kubectl-custom-cols

You can send your own templates to be included in the default package