- 1
Less Loader Build Failure Due to Unrecognised Input
#555 opened by n3g2 - 2
@font-face src url's are not resolved correctly
#551 opened by ogdakke - 1
- 3
- 5
- 2
- 1
- 8
less-loader not working with webpack-dev-server hmr
#498 opened by mymoto23 - 2
Quieter logging
#484 opened by pinko-fowle - 0
Error: Module build failed
#478 opened by dominate666 - 2
Confusing `imports` explanation
#459 opened by Wzb3422 - 6
facing less error in angular 12
#452 opened by bxdadwhal - 7
- 1
- 1
this.getOptions is not a function
#453 opened by sunnyrn - 1
ng test error with PhantomJS , getting less error
#450 opened by bxdadwhal - 1
@apply detects as variable
#447 opened by RuslanKim - 3
- 3
Webpack 5 not outputting LESS styles?
#409 opened by RyanPWalker - 3
Slow build of file with too many imports
#441 opened by kariae - 5
webpack less-loader css modules fail
#439 opened by victorykong - 1
less loader ignore the files out side the 'root' (where webpack.config.js live in)
#438 opened by GuichiZhao - 1
TypeError: this.getPosition is not a function
#433 opened by denglai - 1
Variable @z-index not found
#427 opened by JooelBks2000 - 1
less object is empty in CRA project
#421 opened by Inuyashaaaaa - 1
TypeError: this.getOptions is not a function
#416 opened by MaxusAdmin - 6
- 1
using with resourceQuery,error: export 'default' (imported as 'styles') was not found in './index.less'
#411 opened by X-neuron - 1
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
#400 opened by githoniel - 9
- 3
Source-map files pointing to wrong less file
#393 opened by Dvd1234 - 3
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v6 generates different css code
#351 opened by endze1t - 7
less-loader resolve the wrong source
#385 opened by gogoyqj - 1
Maybe we still need implementation option
#380 opened by otakustay - 3
Runtime variable modifications
#373 opened by itayganor - 4
- 6
Restriction field breaks builds
#366 opened by SergeyPanchenkoWeWork - 0
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Less-loader 5.0.0: Not working with Vue-Cli 4.2.0
#329 opened by gavinwyf - 4
CSS Output File in Watch Mode not Updating
#355 opened by emkayy - 5
less should be a peer dependency
#352 opened by rjgotten - 3
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Webpack alias is not resolved in .less file.
#332 opened by wenyang9319 - 1
options.prependData is not work
#328 opened by hanyitim - 1
less-loader is not working
#313 opened by ameyzulkanthiwar - 5
can't resolve "*.less"
#312 opened by videni