
[bug] Missing semicolon after "@import url(path/to/css) screen and (max-width:1024px) "

Fi2zz opened this issue · 0 comments

Fi2zz commented

Actual Behavior

// missing  `;` at the end of line
@import url(http://some/path/to/css.css) screen and (max-width:1024)

Expected Behavior

// should have  `;` at the end of line
@import url(http://some/path/to/css.css) screen and (max-width:1024);

How Do We Reproduce?

this can be found in this line.

 // HACK for IE
        // http://stackoverflow.com/a/14676665/1458162
        if (module.media) {
          // insert media into the @import
          // this is rar
          // TODO improve this and parse the CSS to support multiple medias
          content = content.replace(/;|\s*$/, module.media); //**!!!!!** module.media missing ';'