- 1
[Bug]: wrong url path when using `generator.publicPath = ''` and asset module
#1118 opened by SoonIter - 21
- 1
Unexpected CSS order
#1117 opened by jantimon - 3
- 2
- 1
Can v1.6.2 add the runtime option?
#1113 opened by AttackXiaoJinJin - 1
mini-css-extract-plugin and tailwind use error
#1109 opened by ygs-code - 10
- 5
Enable using a remote url for filename field
#1100 opened by yishay-at-bay - 7
Filtering multiple entries chunks
#974 opened by zalishchuk - 4
How to exclude `css` file by `name`
#1062 opened by coderaiser - 23
- 14
- 1
Can we ignore some code while minify css file?
#1087 opened by shamim-apex - 7
Support initial chunk css loading
#1031 opened by tadhglewis - 12
The publicPath in the CSS file is incorrect, when using webpack cache filesystem
#1065 opened by simon-woo - 4
Dynamic loaded styles does not includes nonce when __webpack_nonce__ is set
#1081 opened by PepeBotella25 - 2
experimentalUseImportModule can not ues with externals
#997 opened by G233 - 1
Tag chunk load error with ChunkLoadError
#1053 opened by jorrit - 1
- 1
- 1
Use output.cssFilename as default filename
#1041 opened by ahabhgk - 0
[bug] Missing semicolon after "@import url(path/to/css) screen and (max-width:1024px) "
#1049 opened by Fi2zz - 1
Error with css-loader string export data
#1044 opened by woody-li - 1
Production environment css style repeated packaging
#1068 opened by shwehb - 1
when use splitChunk the css order is not correct,but style-loader works fine
#1061 opened by hangaoke1 - 1
miniCssExtractPlugin will reduce the number of modules for the second time when cache is enabled
#1064 opened by 2239559319 - 4
Could not achieve the same results as I had with `extract-text-webpack-plugin`
#1013 opened by coderaiser - 0
Can I have one selector in the main block instead of two selectors in the lazy one?
#1052 opened by ignatiqq - 0
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typo of github release
#1036 opened by yoyo837 - 2
Styles being combined into one css file despite entry
#971 opened by TannerS - 2
throw error when link doesn't have parentNode
#1017 opened by VieZhong - 3
Runtime error after switching between dev-server and watch mode when using filesystem cache
#1028 opened by Raykeen - 1
- 2
import empty less file result in undefined
#1019 opened by despicable123 - 11
Slow rebuild whis many async chunks
#1002 opened by SuperOleg39 - 7
Duplication styles of same component in different chunks, when using CSS modules and React.lazy
#964 opened by tippillow - 6
Add feature for insert option absolute path to function like in style-loader
#968 opened by KislyakovDS - 12
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Plugin doesn't close the link tag
#994 opened by paulrockfordstudios - 3
Handling exported functions
#984 opened by yungvldai - 1
loader utils upgrade needed for this project
#991 opened by naresh2071 - 2
What is `new Self`?
#989 opened by assembled-wei-wei - 1
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Image paths in css files have weird prefixes ..//
#966 opened by dclnet - 5
Insert Closing slash
#965 opened by Vanillma