- 2
tree shake do not work with image
#228 opened by githoniel - 3
- 1
NonErrorEmittedError: (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) Error in parsing SVG: Non-whitespace before first tag.
#222 opened by tomaszs - 1
- 7
- 3
option to prefix URLs with `file://`
#215 opened by trusktr - 1
Images not inlined in Svelte 3 app
#214 opened by rraallvv - 1
Blob Url Support
#211 opened by franleplant - 4
Multiple references to the same asset in SASS/CSS `url()` breaks replacement process
#196 opened by HARVS1789UK - 1
Usage with require.context?
#206 opened by ZebraFlesh - 22
`esModules: true` outputs `url([object Module])` instead of `url(base64String)` for inline local fonts?
#201 opened by ganapativs - 5
Incorrect peer dependency
#173 opened by krukiv-kut - 2
url-loader 3.0.0 creates an erroneous export
#205 opened by jaimegarza - 6
Why url-loader stop supporting nodejs 8?, as webpack 5 still supporting nodejs 8 and higher?
#203 opened by smondal - 2
Allow expressing limit as a function
#199 opened by almstrand - 4
Compatibility with file-loader 3.0.0
#168 opened by bukharov - 2
url-loader@1.1.1 requires a peer of webpack@^4.0.0 but webpack@2.7.0 was installed
#197 opened by felibq - 2
- 17
Animated GIF not created
#178 opened by SetTrend - 1
How can i use name function with url-loader?
#190 opened by pasBone - 2
Corrupted or not proceed image matched multiple module rule simultaneously
#188 opened by dominikj111 - 1
Regarding the conversion of files to data urls, a less than condition was found to be missing
#186 opened by sbigtree - 0
- 2
about url-loader limit config
#175 opened by Titans1001 - 1
svg in fixture not tested
#176 opened by Jeff-Tian - 2
Needs charset to render base64 as src
#174 opened by mAAdhaTTah - 1
How to load SVG images?
#171 opened by UlpiusCode - 1
Mp3 Files URL-Loader still dont work
#170 opened by liamcharmer - 2
File-Loader 3.0.0 incompatible with this package
#167 opened by Aghassi - 4
Module build failed: Error: File Loader
#162 opened by liliuchen - 9
Importing an image is `undefined`
#161 opened by trusktr - 16
Cannot read property 'context' of undefined
#158 opened by JGProg - 3
regExp options not supported?
#128 opened by yiqianglin - 2
How to output a image file in page folder?
#165 opened by Taoja - 9
publicPath not handled correctly?
#164 opened by chrisckc - 4
missing images when updating the size limmit
#160 opened by ivoTsolov - 6
- 2
Load image resource in SVG image xlink:href failed
#157 opened by xchunzhao - 0
Please reconsider the strict engine versions
#154 opened by lukebatchelor - 4
- 5
webpack 3 compatibility
#147 opened by FranckFreiburger - 1
Error when file size over limit configuration
#148 opened by lynnic26 - 6
Need for `utils/normalizeFallback`
#144 opened by michael-ciniawsky - 1
Issue with default fallback options
#146 opened by JoseGoncalves - 3
v1.1.0 is failure
#138 opened by lincenying - 1
default fallback options
#143 opened by Yusoo - 5
Incorrect peer dependency warning
#142 opened by andrioli - 4
Publish latest version to npm
#132 opened by gustavovnicius - 1
Can't auto install file-loader
#134 opened by bAdOoWindy - 1
How to use url loader properly?
#131 opened by dmngu9