
Random Stuff for random purposes

Primary LanguageC++

# WebPigeon's Script Collection
A collection of scripts written or contributed to by me for the purposes
of making life intresting or for fun.

## Music Utils (music-utils)
I am very perticular about my music folder. I like it to be neatly organised
and filled with creative commons licneced music. These scripts exist to help
me do that.

## Stastical Processing (stats)
These scripts count or collate data. Some were created for fun, others as part
of things I was working on and then abadoned because I found a better way of
doing it.

## Data files (data)
If you see this directory something went wrong. It's used for storing the data
these scripts use. It should be on the gitignore for this repo.

## Random Stuff (random)
One off stuff. Generally created for comic or miscellaneous reasons.

## Reference (ref)
Stuff not created by me but non-the-less useful to have to hand. Stuff in this
directory will be under some form on CC licence and probably shouldn't be on
github but it might be useful to others as well.

## Configuration files (config)
Configuration files for programs on the system.