
Basic salt states for every server and containers

Primary LanguageSaltStack

Base system salt state

WebPlatform infrastructure servers runs on the same GNU/Linux distribution; Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS. This salt state formula is meant to be applied to every server and containers we run.

Idea is to have a workspace that’s as close as possible to what every server/container we’re running.



Pull this repository in your servers.

# /etc/salt/minion.d/roots.conf

  - roots
  - git

gitfs_provider: gitpython

  - https://github.com/renoirb/salt-basesystem.git

Then add it to your server top.sls file.

# /srv/salt/top.sls
    - basesystem

Notice that only what’s in basesystem/ will be used. The other folders are workspace helpers.


Download an archive and extract

If you want to install PyPy archive into /opt/pypy, you can do it like this;

Use directly in a state:

{% from "basesystem/macros/unpacker.sls" import unpack_remote %}
{{ unpack_remote('https://static.webplatform.org/wpd/packages/python/pypy-2.5.1-linux64.tar.bz2', '/opt/pypy') }}

Use directly in states, but the extracted files would be owned by a particular user:

{% from "basesystem/macros/unpacker.sls" import unpack_remote %}
{{ unpack_remote('https://static.webplatform.org/wpd/packages/python/pypy-2.5.1-linux64.tar.bz2', '/opt/pypy', {'user':'ubuntu'}) }}

Use in states, with pillar:

  • Each pillar key (e.g. /opt/pypy) MUST be an absolute path
  • The href key is the only required attribute. Others are optional.
  • Supported keys:
    • user: the local user who will be running the state and be set as owner

          href: https://static.webplatform.org/wpd/packages/python/pypy-2.5.1-linux64.tar.bz2
          href: https://static.webplatform.org/wpd/packages/bikeshed/spec-data.bar.bz2
          user: webapps

Then, in a state file;

{% from "basesystem/macros/unpacker.sls" import unpack_remote_loop %}
{% set foobar = salt['pillar.get']('foobar') %}
{{ unpack_remote_loop(foobar)}}

Clone a git repository into a specific folder

If you want to clone into /srv/webapps/publican/, called directly;

{% from "basesystem/macros/git.sls" import git_clone %}
{{ git_clone('/srv/webapps/publican', 'https://github.com/webspecs/publican.git') }}

You can also use pillars.

Let’s say you are working on a specific branch and you also want an archive to be extracted inside the git repo.

If the file is downloaded before the git clone is made, it would’t work. You have to tell it explicitly.

In pillars, you can do it like this;

# In a pillar
      origin: https://github.com/webplatform/publican.git
      branch: task-based-docker
        - /srv/webapps/publican/spec-data
        upstream: https://github.com/webspecs/publican.git
      href: https://static.webplatform.org/packages/spec-data.tar.bz2
      user: webapps

... we could use both macros together from this pillar like this;

{% from "basesystem/macros/unpacker.sls" import unpack_remote_loop %}
{% set archives = salt['pillar.get']('foobarbaz:archives') %}
{{ unpack_remote_loop(archives)}}

# Somewhere else
{% from "basesystem/macros/git.sls" import git_clone_loop %}
{% set repos = salt['pillar.get']('foobarbaz:git_repos') %}
{{ git_clone_loop(repos) }}

Make a dated archive of a git repository

Imagine you want to make a dated snapshot of a git repo at /srv/salt and store it to /mnt/backup/gitarchives/;

In a state file or a reactor you can do;

{% from "basesystem/macros/git.sls" import git_archive %}
{{ git_archive('/srv/salt', '/mnt/backup/gitarchives') }}

Create a mirror of a git repository

If you want to have a local mirror of a private repository, you could do it like this;

In a state file or a reactor you can do;

{% from "basesystem/macros/git.sls" import git_mirror %}
{% set mirror_args = {'auth_key': '/home/foo/.ssh/passwordless'} %}
{{ git_mirror('git@github.com:webplatform/salt-basesystem.git', '/mnt/gitmirrors/basesystem', mirror_args) }}

Beware though. If your private key is passphrase protected, you would need to enter it everytime you execute it.