
Update an object without breaking references

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Update an object properties, without breaking references.


updateObject(target, source)

The algorithm modifies the target object properties in place.

  • target: the existing object to update

  • source: the object which properties has to be copied in the target object


var main_data = {
	a: {
		title: "A"
	b: {
		title: "B"

var main_data_a = main_data.a;
var main_data_b = main_data.b;

var new_data = {
	a: {
		title: "Aa"
	b: {
		title: "Bb"

updateObject(main_data, new_data);

main_data_a // { title: "Aa"}
main_data_b // { title: "Bb"}