
python bindings to rtmidi allowing to listen to multiple ports simultaneously

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Python wrapper for RtMidi, the lightweight, cross-platform MIDI I/O library. For Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

Based on rtmidi-python


The wrapper is written in Cython. Cython should be installed for this module to be installed. RtMidi is included in the source tree, so you only need to do:

python setup.py install

Python 2 & 3

This module is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. The only visible difference is that under python 3, all strings are byte strings. If you pass a unicode string to any function taking a string (open_virtual_port), an attempt will be made to encode the string as ASCII, through .encode("ASCII", errors="ignore").

Usage Examples

rtmidi2 uses a very similar API as RtMidi

Print all in and out ports

import rtmidi2

Send messages

import rtmidi2

midi_out = rtmidi2.MidiOut()
# open the first available port
# send C3 with vel. 100 on channel 1
midi_out.send_noteon(0, 48, 100)

Get incoming messages - blocking interface

midi_in = rtmidi.MidiIn()

while True:
    message, delta_time = midi_in.get_message()  # will block until a message is available
    if message:
         print(message, delta_time)

Get incoming messages using a callback -- non blocking

def callback(message, time_stamp):
    print(message, time_stamp)

midi_in = rtmidi2.MidiIn()
midi_in.callback = callback

Open multiple ports at once

# get messages from all available ports
midi_in = MidiInMulti().open_ports("*")

def callback(msg, timestamp):
    msgtype, channel = splitchannel(msg[0])
    print(msgtype2str(msgtype), msg[1], msg[2])

midi_in.callback = callback

You can also get the device which generated the event by changing your callback to:

def callback(src, msg, timestamp):
    # src will hold the name of the device
    print("got message from", src)

Send multiple notes at once

# send a cluster of ALL notes with a duration of 1 second
midi_out = MidiOut().open_port()
notes = range(127)
velocities = [90] * len(notes)
midi_out.send_noteon_many(0, notes, velocities)
midi_out.send_noteon_many(0, notes, [0] * len(notes))


rtmidi2 is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.

It uses RtMidi, licensed under a modified MIT License, see RtMidi/RtMidi.h.