- 0
🔄 Production Mode considers dependencies since v5.42.0
#914 opened by y-yagi - 4
- 2
- 2
💡 Add support for dependency-cruiser
#907 opened by filipw01 - 2
💡 Add detection of unused JSX (React) props
#849 opened by SanderRonde - 4
- 0
- 8
- 0
🐛 Unable to handle private self-hosted npm modules
#906 opened by GeorgeWL - 1
💡 Remove related spec files when removing code
#905 opened by LzxHahaha - 1
- 2
- 6
- 3
🐛 Unused files server.js
#893 opened by thoughtsunificator - 3
- 2
💡 Add description to `KnipConfig` types
#892 opened by rakleed - 4
🐛 False positive unused export
#890 opened by DreierF - 10
🧩 Finding references to `.json` files
#883 opened by bartekczyz - 0
- 7
💡 Override package.json and/or return used deps
#882 opened by omidantilong - 1
💡 Allow tags to be configured via config file
#881 opened by mynnx - 5
- 3
- 3
🐛 Knip module resolution doesn't take account of TypeScript `rootDirs` from referenced project
#873 opened by pawelblaszczyk5 - 2
- 0
💡 Add support for Rslib
#870 opened by patricklafrance - 3
🐛 false positive for package JSONStream
#869 opened by boneskull - 3
🐛 Default exports are not tracked
#860 opened by bartekczyz - 3
- 2
💡 (ESLint plugin): Support `eslint.config.ts`
#859 opened by taro-28 - 3
💡 Those exported modules that are being used within the current file should not be tagged as unused exports.
#858 opened by vincent890120 - 7
- 3
🐛 Dynamic import with lib (react-lazily)
#855 opened by b2whats - 4
🐛 React lazy import path not being picked up
#839 opened by ryan-tote - 1
- 6
- 4
🔄 Jest configured setup scripts reporting as unused exports when --include-entry-exports is enabled
#857 opened by stfstoris - 2
CVE for smol-toml
#852 opened by Maartenbuit - 3
Comparison between knip and Treeshaking
#845 opened by vincent890120 - 2
- 7
🔄 False positive: unresolved imports for junitProperties.js and junitTestCaseProperties.js
#841 opened by schnuri-schnuri - 2
- 6
- 1
- 4
- 4
🔄 Unused exported types not being reported when consumed in the same file
#830 opened by adamrutherfordshaw - 1
💡 Flag unused ignore/ignoreDependencies rules
#837 opened by bigpopakap - 2
💡 Custom cache strategy
#831 opened by ryanwilsonperkin - 3
TypeScript error in editor when configuring Drizzle plugin in `knip.config.ts`
#829 opened by jjjjonathan - 5