Spider Web

 _____       _     _             _    _      _     
/  ___|     (_)   | |           | |  | |    | |    
\ `--. _ __  _  __| | ___ _ __  | |  | | ___| |__  
 `--. \ '_ \| |/ _` |/ _ \ '__| | |/\| |/ _ \ '_ \ 
/\__/ / |_) | | (_| |  __/ |    \  /\  /  __/ |_) |
\____/| .__/|_|\__,_|\___|_|     \/  \/ \___|_.__/ 
      | |                                          

 Automated NetSparker Analysis - Fortuna Fortis Paratus


python 3


  1. Run ./install.sh (Linux only) to create symlink and make spider-web.py executable
  2. Copy spider-web.key.sample to spider-web.key
  3. Copy API user ID and password into spider-web.key file
  4. Copy config.py.sample to config.py
  5. Edit config.py file to have desired settings
  6. If using proxy, enter proxy settings into config.py. Set USE_PROXY=TRUE. If proxy performs TLS inspection, and proxy CA certificate is not available, setting VERIFY_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE=FALSE may be an effective, although insecure, workaround. If proxy is authenticated, set the proxy username and password.
  7. Show help with spider-web -h
  8. Test connectivity with spider-web -t


spider-web -u
spider-web --usage


spider-web -h
spider-web --help


spider-web -e
spider-web --examples