Mr. Roboger's Neighborhood

Web application that takes a number from a user and returns a range of numbers from 0 to the user inputted number with some exceptions. The user can enter a new number and see new results over and over again without refreshing the page.

By Carlos Urquiza

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • GitHub


This web application takes a number from a user and returns a range of numbers from 0 to the user inputted number with the following exceptions:

  • Numbers that contain a 1: All digits are replaced with "Beep!"
  • Numbers that contain a 2: All digits are replaced with "Boop!"
  • Numbers that contain a 3: All digits are replaced with "Won't you be my neighbor?"

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository.
  • Navigate to the top level of the directory.
  • Open the index.html file in order to view in your browser. Alternatively, you can view the project via this GitHub Page


Describe: roboTalk();

Test: "Numbers that contain a 1: All digits are replaced with "Beep!""
Expect(roboTalk(1).toEqual("0, Beep!");
Test: "Numbers that contain a 2: All digits are replaced with "Boop!""
Expect(roboTalk(2).toEqual("0, Beep!, Boop!");
Test: "Numbers that contain a 3: All digits are replaced with "Won't you be my neighbor?""
Expect(roboTalk(3).toEqual("0, Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?");
Test: "Numbers that contain a 10: All digits are replaced with "Beep!"
Expect(roboTalk(10).toEqual("0, Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?,4,5,6,7,8,9, Beep!");
Test: "Numbers that contain a 12: All digits are replaced with "Beep!, Beep!, Boop!"
Expect(roboTalk(12).toEqual("0, Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?,4,5,6,7,8,9, Beep!, Beep!, Boop!");
Test: "Numbers that contain a 13: All digits are replaced with "Beep!, Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?"
Expect(roboTalk(13).toEqual("0, Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?,4,5,6,7,8,9, Beep!, Beep!, Boop!, Won't you be my neighbor?");

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs.



Contact Information

Please contact me at if you run into any issues viewing this project after following the Setup/Installation Requirements.